I Intro



Further Reading

Bird, S., Klein, E., and Loper, E. (2009): Natural Language Processing with Python, O’Reilly

Indurkhya, N., and Damerau, F. (2010): Handbook of Natural Language Processing, CRC Press

Welbers, K., van Attefeldt, W., and Benoit., K. (2017): Text Analysis in R, Communication Methods and Measures, 11(4), pp. 245-265

Introductory Blogpost

Technical Set-Up

We will do exercises in Google Colab to ensure everybody works under the same technical conditions.

Please note that you will need a gmail address for this.

When you launch a Google Colab notebook it will per default open a Python environment. The easiest way to switch to R is to directly access https://colab.to/r.

You should see something like this:



In order to make sure you are operating in an R environment, you can check by clicking RuntimeChange runtime type, upon which the following window should open:


Try for yourself and open an empty R notebook in Google Colab. Download the notebook linked below and save to somewhere you are reasonably likely to find again later (you will have to download more stuff).

Notebook for checking technical setup

Afterwards, in Google Colab, click FileUpload notebook and drag technical_setup.ipynb into the upload section. If you are able to execute all code cells (by hitting the play button), you are good to go 👾